Sponsorship Program in VSN School, Thimi.


Thimi is a traditional Nepalese village where pottery, mask-making and farming are the main occupations. Potters turn their wheels inside their homes and dry the pots in the sun; when there are enough pots they are surrounded with straw which is lit to fire the pots. Most of the pots are sold outside the Kathmandu Valley. Some villagers are now making furniture and looking for other types of employment as cheaper, more durable products become available. Farmers grow rice wheat and vegetables for their own use. They sell extra vegetables in the early morning along the Thimi streets, or in the market of Kathmandu.

Many parents in the Thimi area are not well educated, so they prefer their children to continue the family business from an early age rather than educating them. Without proper education and skills the younger generations lack any opportunity to do anything but follow their parents business.

In Nepal there are not enough government schools for every child to attend, so there are a lot private schools as well. The standard of education in private schools is generally fast superior to that offered in government schools. Most people therefore prefer to send their children to private schools, but for most people this is only a dream, as private schools fees are expensive.

Vinayak Shiksha Niketan School was started in 1989 by Surendra Bikram Prajapati, because he was concerned about the lack of a good education in Government schools and the high fees charged by private schools. The school aims to provide education for local children at an affordable cost. It offers some scholarships to gifted children. International sponsorships have enabled some of the poorest children in the area to attend school. The Nepal Australia Friendship Association (Queensland) Inc. (NAFA) – sponsorship program was started when an Australian volunteer, Sharon Thrupp  sponsored a child in the school. When she went home she told her friends about the school and others gave donations to the school or sponsored individual children. NAFA took over the program in 2003.

The school is searching for more kind-hearted people through out the world to support many more students through education sponsorship.

Sponsorship allows a child to be educated in English, Maths, Science, Computer Studies and the local language of Nepali to class ten level, ie to School Leaving Certificate Level. Some of our sponsored children have already completed high school education and are studying medicine, engineering, nursing, teaching and management skills.

It only costs $US150-300 per year to sponsor a child depending on the class level. This amount covers uniforms, tuition and exam fees and all their books for one year. By supporting this sponsorship program, you know exactly where your money goes- every cent goes to the sponsored child’s education. In Australia sponsorship fees are fully tax-deductible.

We hope you and your friends will be interested in sponsoring a student who is seeking help for his/her schooling. Please contact one of the sponsorship co-ordinators below for further information.


England – Joanna-Luscombe Whyte                                                           
Email : joanna.nepal@hotmail.com
Australia – Helen Zada
Email : helenzed@optusnet.com.au


The Pricipal

Surendra Bikram Prajapati

Vinayak Shiksha Niketan School

Email: surendra@enet.com.np


Make a difference, become a volunteer. Teach subjects such as English, Craft, Community Health and Administration. Other possibilities could be discussed. We share experiences through volunteering and exchange programs.

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